Approaching Bullying from All Angles

We know there are ways to manage bullying after the fact. But what about before?

If a kid pushes another kid down to the ground every day, he may be reported to the principal. The principal may scold him, give him detention, or even suspension. But what are the odds that bully will come back and do the same thing again? … and again?

“Scary Guy” is his legal name!

Stopping an incident before it happens is tricky but it’s the core goal of the HIBhub community. Students have to be conditioned to think in a different way, a formula which may be the most challenging thing in the world to obtain. However, we as an anti-bullying, anti-violence, and anti-hate community will work tirelessly until we find that formula.

Our friend, The Scary Guy, has been the most successful player in this conquest, in our humble opinion. His distinct appearance sparks lots of interest, and the kids love him. His words resonate with both students and teachers, and thankfully so. The information he shares in his teaching is invaluable, full of strong messages of love and compassion. He is a shining leader against bullying, violence and hate.

Our goal for HIBhub, like the efforts of the Scary Guy, is to be an effective medium for child and teen enrichment. To stop bullying before it ever starts.

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