Tag: discrimination

Protect the Rights of LGBTQ Students

It’s more than just bullying…   Bullying of LGBTQ students leads to discrimination and the denial of equal access to public education.  A student must feel safe in a school in order to fulfill his or her full academic potential.   Adolescence is writhed with change. A complex array of physical, mental, emotional, and social changes enwraps the adolescent brain… Read more →

Screaming from the rooftops to all educators. It’s more than just bullying…

This is the second installment of a series of posts devoted to protecting New Jersey’s students from acts of harassment, intimidation, bullying, discrimination, and self-harm. Screaming from the rooftops to all educators. It’s more than just bullying… School administrators who employ the “either-or” process of compartmentalizing a student’s behavior based on the “box” that the administrator is either most comfortable… Read more →