Hey, click here to take our survey about bullying! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JA_flgntIE0TmmTdqC_7bCKyIGyV2rTLojAkN7EB1w8/viewform Read more →
The Truth about Bullying
For as long as bullying has been a problem, there are still misconceptions about it. In order to clear things up, here’s a table of Myths vs. Truth. Myth Truth Bullying is when someone is physically hurt. Words cannot hurt a person. In reality, there are four types of bullying: verbal, physical, relationship and cyber bullying. Each category of bullying… Read more →

Being a bucket filler
“Filling a bucket” is a metaphor for encouraging positivism in someone else’s life. When you make a person smile, help them with a problem, or just make them feel good, your are filling their bucket. Read more →

For Teachers: How to STOP bullying
We know that bullying hurts people. We know it can have troubling and even devastating results if left unaddressed. We know thousands of students are dreading going to school today because of it. Read more →
Cyberbullying: Infograph’ed
We think this infographic describes the significance cyberbullying incredibly well. Thanks to collegestats.org. Read more →