HIBHUB  (pronounced “hib-hub“) is a virtual community that welcomes all citizens of the world who support our mission to develop a more civil, compassionate, empathetic and tolerant worldwide culture.

All HIBsters of the world must unite in this virtual space and join forces to create a positive and supportive worldwide culture and climate that knows no geographic boundaries. A world that embraces, values and respects diversity. A worldwide community that cares for, and shares with its fellow citizens in an effort to eradicate hatred, bigotry, intolerance and senseless acts of social, emotional, and physical aggression that victimize the weak and marginalize those who are less fortunate than others.

This virtual community is one of love and support and shall always be a positive place for the light-bearers and transformational leaders of the world to meet, share, and collaborate.

Please join us today and help us make the world a better place for all of its inhabitants. Work with us today to ensure that we shall enjoy the fruits of labor throughout our collective tomorrows.

Jamie Edward Ciofalo, Editor in Chief


Jamie Ciofalo